Python „WET“

Product Code: 510780

Availability: In Stock

The Wet Python Line is a multiple tube hose with isolation foam to dispense through a remote control equipment any type of beverage like beer, alcohol, soft-drinks, etc at low temperature (even less than 0ºC). The system holds the flavour products at low temperatures thanks to its special re-cycling water system, and the outside insolating foam.
Because can circulate more quantity of cold water per product volume, we can guarantee:
•    Extra-Cold dispensed product
•    Excellent Flexibility
•    Economic
•    Better Thermal Ability
•    Very easy to install
•    Professional Appearance
•    Energetic saving
•    High Product Quality
Weight, kg 0.00
Dimensions, mm
Width 0.00
Length 0.000
Height 0.00

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